Blog Archive

Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween- one of my favs

Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I remember growing up loving Halloween… almost as much as Christmas! I mean what kid does not like a day where not only do you get to dress up as your favorite character, go from house to house collecting as much candy as you can possibly hold, and then going home to trade with your brothers and sisters, and you get to stay up past your betime!? Not to mention having sweets to nibble on for weeks to come??

Last year, Baby K had her official 1st Halloween. We got her all cutesy in her Halloween sleeper that gramma got her, and accessorized with her little Halloween hair bows and plopped her next to the light up pumpkin, and snapped some pictures for keep sake. ( Boring!) haha, just kidding…

this year we plan on dressing her up (it’s a surprise, don’t worry pics to follow..), and giving her the real Halloween experience. At the age of 13 months, we only need to be out there long enough to show off her adorable costume ( any guesses?) to the neighbors, and to get enough candy for mom & dad of course! ( not kidding…) She is very excited at just the sight of a pumpkin so far, so I can’t wait for the big day! She's not easily scared or spooked (little dare devil!) so it will be interesting to see if she changes her mind if we see some scary costumes or decorations while we are out. 

I already have in my head the upcoming years and costume ideas.. is that crazy or what??  I have to get in as much as I can for my likes, after all she will be forming her own opinion soon and momma’s idea may not be the same as Baby K’s idea for an awesome costume…haha! I had a difficult time choosing a costume this year.. afterall there are so many cute ones to choose from!
So fill me in please, what are some of your favorite costumes for kids? What do you enjoy most about Halloween? Any great websites to  make homemade costumes?


  1. So cute!! Adorable family. Halloween is my favorite time of year:) thanks for following. Following back:) I love comments and I always comment back:) nice to meet another great mom blogger!

  2. I forgot to add that I'm following via the top. Do you have a gfc button? Pls let me know! Txs

  3. Melissa--Thanks! I'm new at this so no gfc button yet.. any help you can offer would be great!


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