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Sunday, November 13, 2011

I'm not old

Remember when you were 16 and 25 was old?

And remember when you were 18, hoping you could pass for 21?

Next thing you know, you are dreading the day you are no longer 29...

Growing up, people always thought I was older than I was. Mostly because I was tall. I have been 6ft tall (well 5ft, 11.75in to be exact), since I was in the eight grade. Yeah, talk about awkward.

I never really worried too much about age. I guess because I always looked old enough to do the things I wanted. As I entered my thirties, I began to worry...

I wondered if I looked my age? looked younger? or (gulp) looked older?

I remember even thinking that I was too old to have kids. ( glad I gave up that stupid theory)

If any thing, having a baby at age 37 makes you feel 21 again ! Well, that may be because most of the new moms in your child birthing class were around 21. Or all the people you see at the doctors office are in their twenties....

Whatever the reason, having Baby K made me feel young all over again ( not that I'm old).

It was and is, the sleepless nights that may make me look not-so-young some days.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but lately I have been noticing those "aging signs".

1. gray hairs appearing.. not just one stray one. multiple gray hairs!! (time for some highlights!)

2. crows feet- this could be because I smile at least 1000 times a day now since having Baby K, in this case, its worth it.

3. old lady legs- I use to have sexy legs... now they have spider veins and my knee caps get ashy after a day with out lotion

4. I am asleep on the couch by 10:00pm. ( ok so this has always been me, even at 21!)

5. grouchy- I cant stand to be in the grocery store when its crowded. No particular reason, I just get grouchy and no one will move out of my way.

6. memory loss-   I fill the washer, and load up the soap etc... and never remember to push start

7. Blind as a bat- I have the font on my computer set to LARGE...And,, I wear contacts!

8. flannel PJs to bed- I got them for Christmas last year, and they are warm

9. clipping coupons for dinner out- Hey those Ruby Tuesday ones are great!

I even counted up in my head today...when baby K graduates, I will be 56. I wonder how she will feel to have a mom that is  older than her friend's mom? Well.... I keep telling my hubby "you're only as old as you feel"...

I'm thinking maybe if I keep doing those goofy dances, and play dress up, and singing silly songs, then I will feel as young as I possibly can!

Now I just need to remember to return to "adult" when I am in public, haha! I caught myself singing the Mickey Mouse clubhouse song out loud in Food Lion the other day....


  1. I've been sporting flannel PJS for ages and I'm totally young. At least I am in my mind! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a post this week! Appreciate it!

  2. I too am snoring by 10pm, load the washer and start it BUT forget to close the top so it stops after filling with water, grouchy food shopping (hate it) and much more I can relate with however, I'm early 30's and still very young at heart. It's the children, I tell you! Youth suckers as I playfully refer to mine :)


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